Chetana Trust Deaf-Blind
3rd National Conference of the Deaf-Blind 2025


The Society for the Empowerment of the Deaf-Blind (SEDB) in collaboration with Chetana Charitable Trust, Vidya Sagar and National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD), conducted a successful 3rd National Conference of the Deaf-Blind, 2025, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The conference brought together 43 individuals with deafblindness under one roof!


Two leaders of SEDB, Zamir Dhale (founder) and Sunil Abbas (General Secretary) address the participants

Inaugurated by: Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar

Honourable Vice President of India


43 individuals with deafblindness (PwDB), 40 access providers, 16 interpreters and nearly 50 dignitaries - largest conference conducted by SEDB

Key Sessions

10+ insightful sessions on work, advocacy, health, support services


A survey on perceived social support, designed and implemented in partnership with SEDB by Chetana Trust, was conducted with the support of volunteer interpreters from the National Institute of Speech and Hearing, Thiruvanthapuram.

Vice President of India Advocates for Greater Opportunities for People who are Deaf-Blind


During the inauguration, honarable Vice President of India, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, and Zamir Dhale, the founder of SEDB, emphasised the need to create more opportunities for people with deafblindness, reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness and accessibility in all aspects of society.