Chetana’s Accessible Reading Materials Library houses adapted books and original stories that are hand-crafted to suit the needs of any child with a print disability. Our ARM Library provides infants, emerging readers and beginning readers with adapted story books that are delivered to the children.

Did you know that you can equip your reading corner with simple low-tech aids to enhance the reading experience
Adjustable slant boards are easy to find in the market, or you can design one yourself from cardboard. Slant boards easily bring the book right up close to the reader, so there is no neck-ache from bending! It also reduces visual distractions in the environment, helping those who struggle with keeping attention.

Story and pictures by Neha Ganesh Bharadwaj
This story is suitable for early readers and encourages them to listen, remember, reason and use logic to guess intelligently when information is incomplete.
Head over to our online library to listen to the story!

Every month, members receive their books in a little bag. The adaptations and supporting materials for each book are matched to child ability. A journal for members to give us feedback, helps us learn more about their reading preferences.
How can I get my child to learn about different insects? She will be scared to touch them, isn’t it? Thottu Paaru Poochi was one book that helped not only in talking to my child about different insects but she was able to feel the textures in the book. This would have not been possible without this tactile book
Father of Samriddi K
Library Member
I had a lot of fun offering my services to the Chetana Library. Helping out to design book covers, binding them with fabric and choosing textures are some of the things I found extremely satisfying. With the help of other volunteers, we made toys using bottles of different shapes and sizes. The staff at Chetana were are very driven towards the cause and Namita Jacob in particular gives her heart and soul to the organisation. I wish Chetana Charitable Trust all the best in the years to come.
Minu Simon